run_dc(C shell script):
/bin/rm -rf *.syn *.pvl *.mr *.svf
dc_shellXXXX -f ./xxx.tcl | tee dc_xxx.log
/bin/rm -rf *.syn *.pvl *.mr *.svf
xxx.tcl(Tcl script):
sh date
set sub_area_report 0
set sub_cell_report 0
set use_ultra 1
# set RTL module top name
set DESIGN_DIR "../rtl"
source ./basic_XXX.tcl
# 基本每次合成都會使用到的tclsource ./lib.pt
# Library filesource ./dc.proc.tcl
# User Procedure
if { [get_license DesignWare] == 0 } { exit }
if { [get_license DC-Ultra-Opt] == 0 } { exit }
if { [get_license Power-Optimization] == 0 } { exit }
remove_design -all
read_file -f verilog ../code/xxx.v
read_file -f verilog ../code/xxx.v
read_file -f verilog ../code/xxx.v
read_file -f verilog ../code/xxx.v
current_design "XXXX"
# set RTL module top name
# 確認匯入的檔案 0:有問題 1:沒問題check_design
set_wire_load_mode enclosed
# Sets the wire_load_model_mode attribute on the current design, specifying how wire load models are to be used to calculate wire capacitance in nets.
set_fix_multiple_port_nets -all -buffer_constants
# Sets the fix_multiple_port_nets attribute to a specified value on the current design or a list of designs. This attribute controls whether compile inserts extra logic into the design to ensure that there are no feedthroughs, or that there are no two output ports connected to the same net at any level of hierarchy.
create_clock -period 100 -name CLK1 [get_ports CLK1]
set_fix_hold [get_ports CLK1]
set_dont_touch_network [get_ports CLK1]
create_clock -period 33 -name CLK2 [get_ports CLK2]
set_fix_hold [get_ports CLK2]
set_dont_touch_network [get_ports CLK2]
create_generated_clock -name CLK3 -source CLK2 \ -divide_by 2046 [get_pins TOP/div1/o_clk]
report_clock > ./Rpt/report_clock.log
check_timing > ./Rpt/check_timing.log
current_design "XXX_DIP"
set_dont_touch { *NOTOUCH* }
# 所設定的NOTOUCH訊號,合成時不要被置換掉
set_input_delay -clock CLK1 -clock_fall 0.3 [get_ports CLK1]
set_input_delay -clock CLK2 -clock_fall 0.3 [get_ports CLK2]
set_output_delay -clock CLK2 -clock_fall 0.3 [get_ports XXX_o]
set_false_path -from [get_clocks CLK1] -to [get_clocks CLK2]
set_false_path -from [get_clocks CLK2] -to [get_clocks CLK1]
set_fix_multiple_port_nets -feedthroughs
set_fix_multiple_port_nets -all -buffer_constants
if { $use_ultra == 1 } {
set hlo_resource_allocation constraint_driven
# 資源共享 : 不開 set hlo_resource_implementation use_fastest
# 實際合成 : 速度 set hlo_minimize_tree_delay true
# 最小化的clock tree delay set hlo_share_common_sub_expressions true
set compile_use_low_timing_effort false
# 如果開啟可以加速編譯(幾乎可以回到線性模型的速度),但是會影響準確性 set compile_implementation_selection true
#在 compiler 期間,重新評估 Library 實現的選擇(re-eval of synthetic library implementation selections during the
compile. )}
set compile_seqmap_propagate_constants false
#默認值true。。控制編譯命令是否嘗試識別和刪除常量寄存器,並且在整個過程中傳播常量值。Controls whether the compile command tries toi dentify and remove constant registers and propagate the constant value throughout the design. When the value is true (the default), compile tries to identify and remove constant sequential elements in the design, which improves the area of the design.
set compile_seqmap_propagate_high_effort false
compile_ultra -no_seq_output_inversion -no_autoungroup -exact_map -no_boundary_optimization
#-no_autoungroup : 不會打散底層的Module。不加的話,DC會根據優化情況調整層次,時序也許會好一點,但是要找訊號線不好找
#-no_seq_output_inversion :和寄存器輸出端選Q還是QN有關。
#-exact_map :Specifies that sequential cells are mapped exactly as indicated in HDL.
#-no_boundary_optimization : Specifies that no hierarchical boundary optimization is to be performed. By default, boundary optimization is turned on during compile_ultra activity.
redirect -append ./Log/XXX_DIP_syn.area.high { report_area }
current_design "XXX_DIP"
define_name_rules name_rule -allowed "a-z A-Z 0-9 _" -max_length 255 -type cell
define_name_rules name_rule -allowed "a-z A-Z 0-9 _[]" -max_length 255 -type net
define_name_rules name_rule -map {{"\\*cell\\*" "cell"}}
change_names -hierarchy -rules name_rule
change_names -rule verilog -h
p_hier_area \
[get_att [get_lib_cells ${BASE_CELL}] area] \
write_sdc ./output/XXX_DIP_syn_out.sdc
write_sdf -context verilog ./output/XXX_DIP_syn.sdf
write -f verilog -hier -o ./output/XXX_DIP_syn_netlist.v
redirect -append ./Log/XXX_DIP_syn.desgin { report_design }
redirect -append ./Log/XXX_DIP_syn.area { report_area -hier }
redirect -append ./Log/XXX_DIP_syn.cell { report_cell }
redirect -append ./Log/XXX_DIP_syn.max.timing { report_timing -delay max -max_paths 100 -sign 5}
redirect -append ./Log/XXX_DIP_syn.min.timing { report_timing -delay min -max_paths 100 -sign 5}
redirect -append ./Log/XXX_DIP_syn.max.timing { report_timing -delay max -max_paths 10000 -nets -cap -tran}
sh date